Somatic Movement Education and Therapy

Moving through self-discovery towards change…

An holistic approach to movement education and therapy which supports bodymind integration, transformation, health and wellbeing

What does the word somatic mean?

It relates to how we experience life from the inside; quietening our busy thinking heads and awakening our sensing, feeling, and intuition through bodily awareness. The word somatic comes from the Greek word soma, meaning “the living body in its wholeness”. Somatics is the embodiment of the soul.

Somatic Movement Education and Therapy is:

Body/Movement focused It holds the intelligence of the living, sensing, relational body at its core.

Educational – Offers ‘tools’ for accessing and deepening bodily awareness, gleaning knowledge from our embodied experience.

Creative Spontaneous creativity allows the body to be heard. Through accessing imaginal realms, we open to our own soulful expression.

Therapeutic – Through its enquiry into aspects of life that the client would like to find resources for towards self-discovery, change, wellbeing and meaning.

Please see One-one offerings for information as to what to expect from a 1-1 session with me.

As registered somatic movement educator and therapist (RSME/T) I adhere to the ISMETA code of ethics and standards of practice: